Monday, June 27, 2011

Almost Time

I can't believe it's almost time for our big move.  We are visiting family and friends and the time is getting so close to start our new journey.  We are all pretty excited but it will be sad to leave our family and friends for a year.  In the last couple of weeks we have had several adventures to include a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum and a Sleepover at the Cincinnati Zoo.  The kids have been getting reaquainted with friends and family they haven't seen in a long time and some they have never met. We hope to get to see a lot more of you all over the next few weeks.  Keep checking the blog as I will start getting more active on the postings to keep you up to date with our adventures. 

1 comment:

  1. Christy, I am staying at a hotel for my Reserve Drill weekend. The TV only gets one channel, Nick, and the show they are playing is Sponge Bob Square pants....made me think of the kids :) I miss you all! xoxo

