Sunday, September 25, 2011

Aaron Michael's First Riding Lessons

After a couple of weeks watching his sister have fun at riding lessons, Aaron decided he wanted to take riding lessons too.  His first lesson was on a pony named Joey.  Aaron did a really good job steering with the reigns.  The instructor forgot that we had lessons scheduled that day, so we ended up having both kids take lessons at the same time.  Because of the mixup, Elisabeth also had to ride the pony instead of one of the other horses she was used too.  At the end of her lessons, the instructor said that Elisabeth should move up into group lessons which basically means she has mastered the basics.  I think she's very excited to join a group.  In the group she will be able to help groom them, get her saddle ready, and have more interaction with the horse.  Aaron will continue in private lessons until he has mastered the basics as well.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trip to Roman Baths

We headed out on another adventure.  This time we headed to Bath to visit the Roman Baths.  Unfortunately we planned it a little too poorly and did not get to spend as much time as we would have liked there.  With a late start and traffic being backed up once we got close to Bath, we were only able to spend a few hours there.  We did however get in a nice meal at a little pub, go to the Roman Baths, and walk around the market area. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Rugby Lessons

Aaron Michael's friend Tommy plays Rugby at a nearby village.  Aaron has really shown interest in American football recently, but of course it's not something he can do over here.  Tommy's mom said it was Tag Rugby which I thought would be great for him to start out with and what a great opportunity to play Rugby over here.  We talked to him about it and he decided to try it.  The first practice started a little rough because the coach decided he should start off with the smaller kids for a practice or two just to get the basics since he's never played before.  He was really upset over that because he was really looking forward to playing with Tommy.  It ended up being for the best though because he had a lot of confidence being with smaller kids.  He picked up on everything so fast that the coach said the following week he should go with his age group.  The next week went great as well.  I think had he started off with his age group he may have been intimidated.  He really enjoyed both first and second lessons.  We also found out he will be playing in an all day tournament the next weekend.   

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cricketers Beer Festival

We went to a beer festival in Oxford.  It was a lot different than we were expecting.  It ended up being at a small pub in the middle of a very small village.  It was a little chilly out but nowhere to sit inside, so we ended up outside at a picnic table.  We went there with our American friends (The Forshee's).  It actually ended up being a lot of fun.  The kids played in the garden (English term for yard) while we sat at the table and sampled some of the beer.  Yes, even I tried one!  Aaron never thought he would see the day.  I have to say I only had a cider which Aaron says is still considered a beer.  I found a pear one that I like and a berry one that is gross and tastes like cough syrup.  The food was your typical pub food (sausage and mash).  It was okay.  We've definately had better here.  We met some nice people there that happen to live in the same village as us yet we were 45 minutes from home.  The kids made friends with their puppy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Aaron and Elisabeth take Karate lessons

I'm not kidding when I say there are a ton of things to do around here.  The hard part is deciding which activities to do.  It's not just kids activities that are in abundance.  I have joined an International Cookery Club, go to Bunko parties, went to Zumba lessons, morning coffee at the local church, and the list goes on.  It's really a lot of fun here.  The kids have both decided to take Karate lessons.  They were so different from one another.  Aaron was having so much fun that he couldn't stop smiling.  Even when they were doing their punches and yelling, he was all smiles.  On the other side was Elisabeth.  She had the most serious mean face going on.  They both absolutely loved it and had a great time. 
The kids were learning to lift their leg up high before kicking.  The bench was placed there to ensure they brought their leg up high enough.  However, one kid kicked the bench so they had to adjust their method the following week.

Karate Girl

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School

Surprisingly the first day of school went really well.  Aaron was a little afraid, but his teacher was great at reassuring him.  At the end of the day they both couldn't wait for the next day of school to get here.  We celebrated the day by going to a little park along the bicycle path on the way home from school.  They have a zipline and a nice obstacle course. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aaron Michael 7th Birthday

It's Aaron's 7th Birthday!  My baby is growing up way too fast.  The kids have made so many friends here that we had a slew of them to invite to celebrate his birthday.  We decided to have a BBQ out in front of our house with hotdogs and cupcakes.  It was a huge turnout.  On his actual birthday, he requested steak, watermelon, and coca cola for his dinner.  I made him a Pokemon Cake, but as you can tell in the picture it was a disaster.  The oven's here are very difficult for baking.  Even after spraying the bundt pan the cake stuck to the pan and came out in clumps which I had to try and mold into some sort of cake shape.  Good thing he loves his Momma so much.  He said "It's okay Momma.  I think it's beautiful!" 
Friends at the table from left to right...Amelia, Raphael, Amou, Miles, Jasmine, Samrat, Aaron.

Amelia, Elisabeth, Jasmine

Birthday Boy

Amelia and Elisabeth

James, Aaron, Miles making silly faces for the camera.

A happy boy opening presents from his new friends.

A happy boy after eating his steak, lots of watermelon, and coca cola from the can. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Elisabeth Riding Lessons

Before we even arrived in the UK, Elisabeth had requested to take riding lessons once we got here.  She had went to an Equestrian farm with her Brownie troop in Fayetteville and absolutely loved it.  They offer lessons close by and we can even ride our bicycles there.  She did so good at her first lesson.  I couldn't believe how brave she was and how quickly she caught on.  When she got off the horse, who's name was Thomas, she said "Mommy can we sign up for another lesson?"  Of course I agreed.