Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aaron Michael 7th Birthday

It's Aaron's 7th Birthday!  My baby is growing up way too fast.  The kids have made so many friends here that we had a slew of them to invite to celebrate his birthday.  We decided to have a BBQ out in front of our house with hotdogs and cupcakes.  It was a huge turnout.  On his actual birthday, he requested steak, watermelon, and coca cola for his dinner.  I made him a Pokemon Cake, but as you can tell in the picture it was a disaster.  The oven's here are very difficult for baking.  Even after spraying the bundt pan the cake stuck to the pan and came out in clumps which I had to try and mold into some sort of cake shape.  Good thing he loves his Momma so much.  He said "It's okay Momma.  I think it's beautiful!" 
Friends at the table from left to right...Amelia, Raphael, Amou, Miles, Jasmine, Samrat, Aaron.

Amelia, Elisabeth, Jasmine

Birthday Boy

Amelia and Elisabeth

James, Aaron, Miles making silly faces for the camera.

A happy boy opening presents from his new friends.

A happy boy after eating his steak, lots of watermelon, and coca cola from the can. 

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