Monday, February 27, 2012


The kids are having a great time with their riding lessons.  Aaron and Elisabeth's favorite pony at the stables is Huckabee.  They are both able to help with grooming, tacking, and untacking the ponys, as well as various chores at the stables.  Here are some of the pony's at the stables.


Elisabeth walking Huckabee

Emily with Rollo



Jessie on Bunty

Elisabeth on Huckabee





Tommy on Rocky

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ladies Night Dinner February 17

The college put on a wonderful night out for the ladies only where we all got dressed up, had a very nice dinner followed by drinks and dancing.  We didn't even have to get babysitters because our hubbies were at home to take care of the kids.  The DJ was great and played lots of 80s and 90s songs that we requested.  We even danced the "Thriller" dance.  By 3am only a handfull of us were left.....Myself, Tasha, Belinda, Dawn, and Karen.  We were like a bunch of school girls giggling, prank calling our husbands, singing with helium, and trying on some of the soldiers hats that were left on in the coak room.  It was a well desserved silly night for the girls.  About time since the guys seem to get these nights weekly. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Butterfly World

I took Elisabeth and her two best friends from here to a place called Butterfly World.  Buttefly World had an interactive area where the kids could hold animals, play with the animals, and do lots of different crafts.  The girls were very brave and even held a snake.  They also were able to hold guinea pigs, pet a rabbit, and play with iguanas.  Elisabeth and Emily had their fingernails painted.  Amelia did a sand art project.  We all sat down and painted some very nice pottery and then decorated our own cupcakes.  There was also a candlemaking shop, sewing shop, jewelry shop, and candy shop.  It was a really neat place to go.  The girls really enjoyed hanging out together and making their crafts. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snowy Day

The kids were excited to get a little bit of snow to play in.  At the first signt of snow, kids from all around the neighborhood were out in the streets trying to make snow balls.  We brought our sleds with us just in case and they came in useful for the kids and their friends to sled down the small decline in our backyard.  We told the kids not too worry about not getting much snow here because we will be getting plenty in Alaska. 
Emilion, Miles, Aaron, and Uhlusia

Amelia and Elisabeth

Elisabeth, Amelia, and Miles


Our Home

The Playpark