Friday, February 17, 2012

Ladies Night Dinner February 17

The college put on a wonderful night out for the ladies only where we all got dressed up, had a very nice dinner followed by drinks and dancing.  We didn't even have to get babysitters because our hubbies were at home to take care of the kids.  The DJ was great and played lots of 80s and 90s songs that we requested.  We even danced the "Thriller" dance.  By 3am only a handfull of us were left.....Myself, Tasha, Belinda, Dawn, and Karen.  We were like a bunch of school girls giggling, prank calling our husbands, singing with helium, and trying on some of the soldiers hats that were left on in the coak room.  It was a well desserved silly night for the girls.  About time since the guys seem to get these nights weekly. 

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