Saturday, July 30, 2011

Avebury Stone Circles

We went to Avebury Stone Circles today, which is a 5000 year old circle of massive stones.  We started on a small path where we saw men playing Cricket and then through a gate which led to the stone circle where several sheep and rams grazed right beside us.  Oh did I mention I wore the wrong shoes for this hike through a pasture full of sheep poo, yep I wore sandles.  Luckily I did not step in anything.   After looking at the amazing stones, we walked through the small town through some little shops and got the kids some ice cream.  Of course since the kids had their treat, Aaron decided he wanted a treat himself, so off to the pub across the street we went.  The pub was called Red Lion.  Aaron had the Suffolk-farmed pork sausages with Devon Cheddar mash, gravy & caramelised red onion chutney £7.29 and it was amazing.  My meal was not that great.  We ate outside on picnic tables where there was such a wide range of people and personalities.  It was great for people watching.  We had hippies (no really, ladies with rings of flowers on their head, the long white dresses, and men wearing sheets that looked like they stepped out of the bible).  They were playing music (guitar, drums, tamberines) and singing songs from the 60’s and 70’s.  There were also people called “walkers” who roam around the countryside on foot just to take in the experience and scenery.  There also must have been a bikers rally or something because there were about 150 bikers at the Stone Circles taking a group picture in front of one of the stones.  One of them took our family photo for us in front of one of the stones.  It was very interesting to see so many different people.  After we ate, we drove on down the road to a town called Marlborough looking for a local butcher which was closed.  However, we had a great time walking around the town site seeing.  There were a lot of shops but everything was closed except for the pubs.  Not a lot of shops stay open on Saturdays past 5pm.  Now we are back at our house and the kids are yet again in the playground in the middle of our circle playing with the neighbor kids. 

Goats grazing everywhere

Posing in front of the Stone Circle

Our first family photo in England

The Red Lion Pub
A Motorcycle Group visiting Avebury
Kids getting ice cream and posing by phone booth
The real story in this photo is the people in the background.  There is a lady "flower child" playing a guitar, and a most interesting lady with bright red hair who had on a mini skirt and furry boots up to her knees.  People watching here was most fun.
Aaron Michael by the stones
The roofs here are quite neat.
Elisabeth drank the UK water and grew 2 additional arms.
Aaron Michael drank the same water.
The town of Marlborough.
Couldn't resist the background.
1914-1918 in proud memory of the men of Marlborough who gave their life for their country.
So cute!

Some love pigeons sitting on the ledge of a buidling.
A classic car parked on the street.

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