Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day Two

Aaron went and got a rental car so we would actually be able to get around until we get our car.  When he got back to the house with the car we took our first family ride in a European car (which was a manual transmission so I won't be driving it).  When I first got in the front passenger seat (which is on the drivers side) I was a little thrown off.  I went to adjust my mirror to drive and Aaron said "hey what are you doing?".  Aaron is having a hard time not running over curbs on the left side of the road because its hard to determine how close you are to them.  I was a nervous wreck in the car going around the crazy round-a-bouts.  Oh yes, and by the way, it is hard to cross the street when you are walking because here you forget which way to look and next thing you know there is a car coming at you.  So anyway, we did arrive to the store (Sainsbury's) safely.  Now that was an experience as well.  It was extremely crowded.  Evidently you cannot stand in one spot to determine what you want to get or what is the best buy.  People here just run through the store and seem to know exactly what they want and get a bit frustrated with you if you stand there for too long.  Everything was in much smaller portions.  A thing of cheese slices only comes in 10 slices.  The biggest thing of peanut butter I could find was about half the size of our smallest container in the states.  Chips (well they are called crisps here) only come in individual bags.  Its deceiving because you think you are getting a big bag of chips until you look at the packaging and it says it contains individual bags.     We also noticed that there are not a lot of heavy people here.  I honestly don't think I've seen one overweight person.  So after our shopping experience we put away our groceries and walked to the Pub with our friends and had dinner with both American families.  Then after dinner we walked over the the Forshee's home and hung out for a couple hours.  Well its Day 3 and I think we are going to venture out again today.  So I better go get ready. 

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