Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grove Rugby Festival

We had to roll out of bed quite early after getting to bed at 2AM the night before.  Aaron Michael had his first Tag Rugby Tournament.  We had to leave the house at 9AM and the first game started at 10AM.  It was an all day event that ended at 230PM.  Aaron played his first two games a little sluggish.  I think he was tired from the night before.  Then all of a sudden he must have woke up.  By the 3rd game he was very agressive.  He made 4 trys (which is the same as touchdowns in American Football).  His team did very well and ended up going to Semi-Finals.  Unfortunately they didn't get the chance to go to Finals, but they all played so well.  The tournament was very well run.  They even had a professional photographer going around taking action photos of the kids during the games.  There was a van there where you could go view the photos, purchase them, and receive them within a few minutes.  Being the proud parents we are of our new Tag Rugby star, we spent a fortune on photos.  He received a medal at the end of the tournament.  When we got back home he had to go show off his new medal and tell the neighbors all about the games.

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