Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spain Day 7

My two batteries finally ran out on my camera today, so unfortunately I don't have many to show.  Aaron and Aaron Michael went on a run together down the beach.  They ran for 22 minutes, which is really good for Aaron Michael's first time going on a run.  Elisabeth and I walked down the beach to see a lookout tower which we thought was some kind of climbing play equipment.  We had to explain to the kids that on some beaches in Europe there are ladies who will not have their tops on.  Good thing for the warning, because there were definately a few.  The kids had fun playing on the beach in the sand, and they even played in the waves a bit.  It was only about 70 degrees, so it didn't take long for them to get cold.  We went back to the villa to get cleaned up and then decided to eat lunch.  Later we walked down the beach to get some ice cream. 

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