Sunday, May 20, 2012

London Bridge

We finally took a family trip to London.  It was kind of a last minute decision.  We had planned on doing it if Aaron had finished enough of his DRP (his 10000 word essay) to be able to take a day off.  This DRP has been such a pain hanging over his/our heads for months.  When you go to school in the morning to do drop off, you hear all the wives talking about how they can't wait for the DRP to be over with.  Of course all the guys do is complain about having to do the DRP and can't wait until it's done as well.  And the kids complain as well, because they want Daddy to be able to do stuff with them.  So it was a nice break for all of us to go to London.  We took the train from Swindon to London.  First we went to Tower Bridge which is the London draw bridge.  The kids kept singing "London Bridge is Falling Down" while we were on the bridge.  We took a tour of the bridge which was really interesting.  The best part was when we finished the tour there was a big boat coming through, so we actually witnessed them raising and lowering the bridge.  We didn't have time to do much more than eating lunch and going to a few shops.  Aaron stopped to have a beer at a pub.

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