Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tough Mudder

Aaron organized a team (Evil Monkeys) to do the first UK Tough Mudder with him.  After trying for months to get volunteers, the only people brave enough to join him were Benoit (from France), Scott and Nicholle (from Northern Ireland).  Yesterday (Saturday May 12th) was the day of the race.  Aaron, the kids, and I headed up to Kettering to spend the night on Friday.  Scott and Nicholle, and their son Frasier joined us on Friday at the hotel.  Benoit drove up Saturday to join the crazy crew.  The UK Tough Mudder took place at Boughton House property in Kettering.  Here's a link to the Tough Mudder UK website  The course was 12 miles long with various obstacles like (Artic Enema) jumping into a pool of ice cold water of which you had to go under water to get to the other side where you can exit the pool, (Mud Mile) climbing over mud mounds and crawling through a pipe full of mud, (Walk the Plank) jumping into water off a high plank, and (Electroshock Therapy) where you run wet through live electric wires.  There were 25 obstacles in all.  Spectators were able to go to various obstacles to watch.  I ran around the course with Elisabeth, Aaron, and Frasier trying to see as many obstacles as I could so that I could get some good photos and video.  Below are some of those photos. 
Scott, Nicholle, Aaron, and Benoit (The Evil Monkeys) before the race.

Some of the participants dressed up.  We saw a Superman Team, Men in Pink Tutu's, and some with hardly any clothing on at all. 

The start of Aaron's race time.  They broke the day's race down into large groups starting every 20 minutes.  Aaron's team, the Evil Monkeys, were at the back of this group. 

Men filling the Artic Enema obstacle just before Aaron's group arrived. 

Getting ready to enter the Artic Enema.

Nicholle, Scott, Aaron and Benoit next in line for Artic Enema.

Aaron and Nicholle climbing over the wall to enter the Artic Enema.

Scott, Aaron, and Nicholle just after getting out of Artic Enema.

Nicholle, Scott, Benoit and Aaron in their favorite part of the race, The Quagmire.

Covered in mud and still smiling.

In line to go through the muddy tubes (Boa Constrictor).

Nicholle entereing the muddy tube.

Aaron after exiting the Boa Constrictor.

Scott and Nicholle after exiting Boa Constrictor.

Scott, Nicholle, Aaron, and Benoit between Obstacles 15 and 16.

Muddy and Happy

This obstacle is the Twinkle Toes where they had to cross over a balancing beam over water. 

Scott, Nicholle, Benoit, and Aaron after completing Twinkle Toes.  They had a nice bath when they fell in the water off the beams. 

Almost finished, only 4 more obstacles. 

This is the backside of Obstacle 23, Walk the Plank.

Aaron helping Nicholle to top of Plank.

Nicholle's leg cramps started here.

Getting ready to run up the big wall, Everest.

Obstacle 24, Everest

All finished, just after running through Electroshock Therapy.

Evil Monkeys with their Tough Mudder headbands and well deserved beer.

All the muddy shoes the participants donated at the end of the race.

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